Friday, April 3, 2009


So I just wanted to announce that my pay it forward share is now closed.The lovely people who will be getting something special from me are as follows:


Thanks for joining ladies and you can expect something in the mail within the coming months.I hope you all have some good luck and fun with your own shares as well.I may do another one in the future if all goes well with this.Remember everyone that things like paying it forward and random acts of kindness are just some of the little ways in which we can turn this world into a wonderful one.It doesn't take much.Just a will to love and share with your fellow humans.This is a fun way to get to know people to.


  1. Hi Ang, I am a big believer in doing everything I can to promote cheer and positivity in the world so I really appreciate your attitude and and the way you go about doing the same. Getting a parcel, or even a card or letter in the actual mail is such a great highlight of an otherwise ordinary day, and a change from junk mail and bills!

  2. Hey Starry.I hear ya.I have quite a few penpals I have picked over the last year from swapbot.And if you ever want a penpal from Canadian soil please feel free to write and I will write back.I love recieving mail as well and it is a nice break from the crappy mail I get.Plus I love learning about other people whether it be about their cultures,their environment or just about who they are and what makes them happy.Thanks for being such a nice friend so far to me.Today I have to start on making some crafty things.I have the weekend off so I finally have the time.
