Thursday, May 7, 2009

My new t-shirt....

I found a wonderful new t-shirt from my thrift tsore and I thought it was so cute I wanted to take a picture of it.It was $5.99 so really cheap and brand new with tags still on.I just adore it.


  1. Go to their website and you'll fall in love.I've already checked the price of my t-shirt brand new and it's $50.00 brand new so I think I got quite a deal.With my discount I paid $3.14.They have totes that are $489.00 as well but they're awesome.

  2. That's a cute t-shirt, Ang. :) I like the details, like the cherry blossoms she's wearing. :)

  3. Oh that's's great when you get a really gorgeous bargain isn't it!
    I'm jealous...........
    Nicki x

  4. fantastic! What a bargain, and you know when I first saw it on my dashboard I thought you had made it yourself. I can see that you will get inspiration from it, and feel great wearing it (look great too!) enjoy,

  5. Thanks everyone. to find out where to get things from this amazing designer I can only give you the website address as I found this shirt in a thriftstore so don't know where their actual stores are in the world.I will post a link for them on this page under my links section.I really want one of their totes.I am now officially in love with their art.Great products all made in Thailand.

  6. She's so cute! You really lucked out finding this shirt before someone else swept it up!

  7. Wow, what a great find, it is really cute! I love thrift stores for that!

  8. Cuuuute!! Great lucky duck!
