Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Don't worry everyone,I didn't forget you...

Just wanted to let the girls know that I did not forget you in the Pay it Forward I hosted.I will be sending things out in the coming months.Right now funds are a bit short and this summer so far has been all about work so I've been pretty tired on top of also being sick with a bad cold.Please forgive me.I will be getting some ideas together for all of you in the coming month and by the end of July I should be sending off parcels to those participants that were selected.Hope you are all having a great beginning to your summer and please feel free to leave me an email message if you have any questions.


  1. Hello Ang, no worries... I know u didn't forget ;-) I wanted to let you know too that I too haven't forgotten my PIF to you. I will sent it out hopefully fingers cross by August!
    Come visit my new website ok!

  2. Thanks Grace,I added your new blog to my blog list just in case others want to take a browse.It looks really good so far.
